Monday, September 15, 2014

First Post

Such a beautiful morning I woke up to. Opened the bedroom window, let the fresh breeze sneak in and immediately grabbed my cardigan - well yes, the summer is over. So this must be a time for starting a new project.

Let the inspiration hunting begin!

Its Pumpkin Season!

I love using food and drinks in my inspirations. It gives a great perspective to the feeling I try to project.

So, while composing an inspiration board, I usually use PhotoShop to manipulate the colors in a way that they`ll fit the color scheme i wish to portray. BUT not this time! I decided to go A La Natural, I take pictures of my surrounding and use the frames I like without digitally manipulating them in any way.
Lets see how that will go...

Yep, I opened my linen closet & decided these soft towels will take part in my inspiration.

Lets see what the garden has to offer "inspiration-wise"

Oh Ferns! I adore this ancient plant.

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