Tuesday, November 4, 2014

DIY no sew skirt!

My daughter dancing in this no-sew skirt

Sometimes I browse through my closet and can`t find any inspiration for an outfit. This does not automatically means "time for shopping".
In such situations (especially if I`m in a hurry), I go to my fabrics closet & try to make some quick and easy garment. There are number of outfits I made this way. Here I share the Cut Out Skirt I developed. Really, no need in sewing.

You need:
- Fabric of your choice. Just make sure it`s not transparent & not to thick. And keep in mind, that the wider and longer the fabric is, the longer your skirt will be.
- Measuring tape (or some rope).
- Scissors (that will cut fabric).

Some of the fabrics I hoarder

Step 1:
Measure your waist like this:

Step 2:
It`s best to start off with a square piece of fabric (that way you won`t be left with much waste).
Fold fabric in half on both horizontal and vertical axis. So you have 4 even layers of folded fabric.
And find the corner which indicates on the original, pre-folded square center. There we will cut the waistline.

After we found the center, we`ll roundup the opposite corner (as shown on the next photo).

Step 3:
Take your waist measure and fold it 4 times.

Step 4:
Take 1 quarter of the waist measure and place it under the center corner, like in this photo:
Then, cut along the line.

After cutting the waist corner

Step 5:
Unfold the fabric. you suppose to end up with a "fat bagel" shape like in the next photo:

Final step:
And now we will cut this shape to create a slit and a wrapping stripes:
Firs cut is a slit. Just a straight line

Cut out the rest as shown on this photo. Precision is optional.

And now just wrap the skirt around your waist 

I also tried this pattern with a simple cotton fabric. I overcome the hem line problem, by cutting all the pattern with a zigzag scissor. That way the threads won`t disintegrate.

Cotton fabric. Cutout using zigzag scissors.

*If there is some thing that needs to be clarified, just ask in the comment section. I`ll gladly answer.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Soft and Cozy Jewelry

Lately all I have been doing is making Soft and Cozy jewelry. These are the final creations which I courageously listed on Etsy.

I also made my daughter participate:

I love making photo shoots for each creation I make! I feel that this is a part of the project as well.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Inspiration Board

When my inspiration board is ready, the next step is to draw the main colors that are projected from the board. Usually I do it digitally, using one of the graphic softwares. But lately I see my daughter painting & got a bit jealous of her working with watercolor. 

Color Swatches

I love the color strokes & they match my inspiration board, but look at these watercolor cubes, are`nt they just perfect? I used them as well.

& now to the sketches!
Oh and by the way, did I mentioned, that this time it`s a Jewelry project?! Yes, soft, comfy & cuddly jewelry.


Monday, September 15, 2014

The Big "Ideas Well"

After attacking every coziness source around me, I`ve turned to the big "Ideas Well" – the web.

Sometimes there are creations that are embedded in your mind forever. This is the case with Kenzo collection from fall 2010. Antonio Marras (Kenzo designer at the time) is a master of fabric & texture combinations. His creations are always gentle, unique, bold, funky & innovative. I love being inspired by great creators, their work is leading me for new & exciting ideas!

Kenzo, Fall 2010 - Haven`t Lost It`s Relevancy 

Ralph Lauren is mostly known as a fashion designer. And though I love his wear, lately I discovered his home design line. I urge you to check his Lifestyle Collections.

First Post

Such a beautiful morning I woke up to. Opened the bedroom window, let the fresh breeze sneak in and immediately grabbed my cardigan - well yes, the summer is over. So this must be a time for starting a new project.

Let the inspiration hunting begin!

Its Pumpkin Season!

I love using food and drinks in my inspirations. It gives a great perspective to the feeling I try to project.

So, while composing an inspiration board, I usually use PhotoShop to manipulate the colors in a way that they`ll fit the color scheme i wish to portray. BUT not this time! I decided to go A La Natural, I take pictures of my surrounding and use the frames I like without digitally manipulating them in any way.
Lets see how that will go...

Yep, I opened my linen closet & decided these soft towels will take part in my inspiration.

Lets see what the garden has to offer "inspiration-wise"

Oh Ferns! I adore this ancient plant.